Thursday 26 May 2011

eFuture Gaze - The iFuture is in the "I" of the iProduser.

When I think of the future I think: holograms, flying cars, teleporting, a cure for cancer and even a cure for the common cold. I also think about the advancement of eCulture and eTechnology. Basically placing an "e" in front of a word used to give it a futuristic tone. Now it's an "I" and as the saying goes, "I before E except after C." (But in a technological sense, the "i" comes after the "e" so perhaps the saying needs to become more iTechnologically iFriendly)

In my previous blogs I have mentioned various topics to do with social media. The one I found most interesting and I can see a real "iFuture" with, if you will is  - Produsage. To refresh your memory, the definition of produsage is 'the collaborative and continuous building and extending of existing content in pursuit of further improvement.'

Thanks to the Internet, any piece of content that gets created and then posted online, can be changed by anybody who wants to. If you find a boring piece of footage or an image, and just want to be creative, then produsage is for you. Just look at the iFuture for Apple:

I would love to take my magic iCarpet for a fly around the produsage world. And thanks to the Apple produser, that could be a produsage possibility. (There's a flying app right?)

The Internet is accessible from just about any device so that's great news for the future of produsage and produsers. Access to sites such as YouTube, make it as easy as the click of a mouse to inform the world of your latest produsage creation. (Up until a month ago, I had no idea the words produsage or produser even existed. I merely thought they were just poor spellings of producer.)

I always like going to YouTube in my spare time and search for the latest produsage pieces. Now that I know there is an actual term for these creative pieces, it makes it so much more funny.

The below original clip is from the 60's television series of Batman. Yes even shows from the past can take on a futuristic feel thanks to Produsage.

Let's face it, without produsage it would be a dull, dull, world. You could be stuck viewing old clips of 60's dancing, trying to work out if their twist like movements are dance steps or the start of a seizure. With the help of produsage, there has been an evolution of dance. It even branched out into weddings also like this one and eventually divorceBut I digress, I managed to find the below produsage version of Batman. (Even Adam West might break into a fit of laughter, aside from his cheezy mono-toned Batman one liners.) As Robin would say: HOLY PRODUSAGE FITS OF LAUGHTER BATMAN!!

Not really sure why there was a random dog, and a Burger King drive by murder of Ronald at the end of that? Maybe it was a hidden message not to do drugs? (Or eat at McDonalds?) Anyway it was pretty hilarious!

From dancing, to television, and also the News, produsage in these areas will also take on an interesting future thanks to Produsers. An American reporter Serene Branson, became a YouTube hit after her "very heavy burtation" incident reporting live from the Grammys:

Now that reporter wasn't "prodused" she suffered from something called a Migraine Aurathe reason behind her gobbledygook. The below YouTube clip is a prodused version made into a song.

I think I just found my new mobile ring tone. Loved that! It was very dares dares son. It's amazing what people can do with something that was originally a few seconds worth of content. Proving that there really is no limit as to what can be achieved with produsage. Imagine how entertaining the produsage news could be?

Howling into the night: a t-shirt design from Threadless.

If I was to say the future of produsage also lies in t-shirt design, you would say, "How would that work?" A company called Threadless, are an online t-shirt franchise who print designs submitted by consumers, which are rated by other consumers to determine the t-shirts popularity. The consumers whose ideas are accepted by the community, get their designs printed and profit from it.

It's an example of Axel Bruns', turning unfinished artefacts into products and allowing for the industrial production of physical goods.

Consumers become the produsers as they are able to participate in the production process. Not only do they get to be the designers, but they can also critique by scoring and commenting on the designs of others.

To further involve the community, others can be made aware of their designs, by sending the Threadless link to promote the website.

Littered Landscape: a t-shirt design from Threadless
Produsage is an evolutionary shared process, and there is a real future in where people can express their creativity and opinions by contributing to the community. So thank you Axel Bruns, for inventing the term produsage. In the future, produsage will probably be called iProdusage and might even be an app on the futuristic iCarpet. Produsage is a berry very heaveh bird -tation, sorry I meant a very creative field, and is likely to take off with consumers as well as corporations. There are no limitations to creativity and I am certainly looking forward to the iFuture of the iProduser.

Bruns, A. 2008. Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production To Produsage. New York: Peter Lang

Friday 20 May 2011

Hyperreality Bites - P.H.A.T is the virtual FAT

Second Life Avatars getting cybertrashed in a cyberdisco
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" - Alice in Wonderland.

We've all heard of the phrase "Get a life!" But a "Second Life?" This is ridiculous. Alice went down the rabbit hole to her Second Life and met some very strange creatures, who ended up not being what they were. Yet she knew it was nonsense and nothing would be what it is. The same can be said for Second Life. It has been around since 2003 and was created by Philip Rosedale. It's this virtual 3D world where you can create an avatar; a digital alter ego "posthuman" of yourself to explore this Second Life.

Donna Harraway's cyborg theory suggests that humans would become a part of everyday technology, just like here in Second Life. You can explore this virtual world for "free" and talk via chat or voice to other avatars from all over the real world in this virtual world. However to gain any "real" excitement, you must enter your credit card details and exchange real world money into Linden dollars. (Yes Second Life has its own currency you can buy from the Linden Dollar Exchange (LindeX) That is, if you want to go to nightclubs, buy designer outfits, real estate or even an asteroid! (Let's just hope it doesn't get sucked into the virtual gravitational pull and create a virtual crater!)

I first heard about Second Life from this 60 minutes interview.  Were peoples real lives that boring they needed to escape to a virtual one? Apparently so. I would assume some, if not most users of Second Life are fat lonely people looking for a way to improve themselves in another dimension. I had trouble finding a fat avatar and likely the only fat avatars you will find are of the P.H.A.T variety. These P.H.A.T looking avatars are the idealistic creation of themselves, with perfect hair, skin, and clothing.You can even purchase Phat tracksuits if that's your thang!

Second Life Escort: Cardie Mahoney 

Jean Baudrillard,would be appalled at Second Life. His Hyperreality theory is well and truly alive in Second Life. (Unlike poor Baudrillard) He describes Hyperreality as the "murder of the real" when reality gives way to simulation.

Speaking of simulation, even cyber-sex is well and truly going on in Second Life. Humans who would be physically repulsed by the thought of touching the real person behind the avatar, can "get their cyber rocks off" with a Second Life escort.

The lovely Cardie Mahoney, will satisfy part of your senses all at the sensual click of a mouse. (Just like in this Second Life Mesh up, if "chains and whips excite you"...but in a virtual sense)

But what happens when celebrities want to partake in this "Second Life"? They already have extraordinary lives, some of which we could only dream of living. Which is why some people choose to escape to the virtual world of Second Life. Celebrities see Second Life as a "digital cash cow," and may even cross paths with one if they happen to set foot on a virtual farm. Watch out for the digital cow pat!

Apparently this picture is of some of the avatars of the 80's Band Duran Duran.
Popular 80's band Duran Duran became the first band to have an avatar presence on Second Life. Even charging real money for virtual concerts. I have to laugh. Why would you pay for an avatar concert? It's like watching a music video. I found the below concert trailer for one of their concerts:

Hmmmm well that definitely didn't persuade me to jump on the Second Life Bandwagon! It's lame. I prefer the real thing. Nothing like experiencing a real live concert. There's the atmosphere of the crowd, the live music, the real live people and the interaction! Why would you want to sit in front of a computer screen, to watch a soundtrack being played to a 3D animation? It's nothing if not sad. The only real winners in this case are Duran Duran. They have made a substantial amount of money from losers who would prefer to pay for "that" then experience life in reality.

If your idea of excitement is creating your own Virtual Island, watching virtual concerts, having a pet avatar monkey, building your "dream" home, and paying real world dollars for it, then I say, whatever floats your virtual boat! (In this case it would be the virtual sea on your journey into isolation, fear of natural sunlight and forgotten past times of that thing called the real world.)

But don't go crying into your Cyberboobies when your avatar husband cheats on you with this seventeen-year-old Lara Croft lookalike "CyberNanny." Yes even avatars cheat on each other. Just like in the "real world." Remember what that is?

Users have become so involved in this fantasy Second Life, which tells me they have given up on their first. It's a big world out there and travelling around to real places might actually satisfy all of your senses. Rather than limit yourself to the few you can only use staring in front of a computer screen. Who knows, you might even spot a celebrity or two surfing in the real world!

Meadows (2008:51) argues that experiences create a grounding of belief. “People in virtual worlds build things, use them, sell them, trade them and discuss them. When another person confirms what I am seeing, places value on it, spends time working to pay for it, buys it, keeps it, uses it, talks about it, gets emotional about it, and then sells it – this tells me there is something real happening.  The suspension of disbelief has become a grounding of belief”

The above statement with regards to Second Life, no doubt applies. Something real is happening. Your bank account is getting lower because you are too emotionally involved in a "Hyperrreality." You can't physically touch Second Life let alone smell it. Yet it exists. But realistically it's nothing but a game of virtual life.

For those of you who choose to live in the real dimensional world instead of 3D graphics, this below clip is a scene from the movie Reality Bites. Maybe it might put your real life into perspective.

So forget living a "Second life" in Hyperreality. It turns out all we are really looking for in reality, is a couple of smokes, a cup of coffee and a little bit of conversation.


Saturday 14 May 2011

I iWant iMy iPhone - iWho iSays iI iCan't iHave iOne?

Don't worry Veruca Sweetheart, if you had a iPhone you could download an app for everything you want! Well it just about seems that way! It's hard to believe that a device that can fit into your pocket is capable of: Surfing the web, taking photographs, recording and playing videos, printing to your printer, sending emails, online banking, a GPS, playing games, identifying a song playing on the radio, oh and you can even order a pizza! Gone are the days when you had a mobile just so you could call or text someone. (Now you can find the nearest PayPhone to do that if your mobile battery has died from playing too much angry birds)

When you are out and about, I can understand the convenience of carrying around a device that can do just about anything. What I don't like is the reliance people have on these "smart phones." During the day most people are working, yet are constantly checking their facebook and Twitter accounts on their mobiles. Why? Probably so they are getting value out of their data plans. I doubt anything interesting will happen between 9 and 5 during the week! Unless you are not working and are travelling overseas and decide to rub it the face of your social networking followers/friends.

The "smart phone" of the 1990's
The mobile phone used to be a status of importance. Only business people or "really important people" who needed to be contacted 24/7 had a mobile. I remember as a child growing up in the 1990's, my dad had his own business. He needed to be contacted even when on the road, so he bought a car phone! If the phone rang in the car and the engine was off, the horn would honk to let you know someone was calling! (Ah yes the "smart phone" of the 1990's) Insanity! Thank God that didn't last very long and he eventually became the owner a shoe phone! (Sorry I meant brick phone.)

"99 I can't heel anything. Haha" "Oh Max... Are you speaking from your sole?"

Fast forward to 2007 and the most talked about phone of the modern era had just arrived on the market -the iPhone! People were waiting in line for hours on end to be the first to get their hands on this most talked about mobile phone device. I almost got caught up in the hype but I didn't really see the need for it. I had a laptop so what was the urgency of needing to access the Internet on your mobile? I just didn't get it!

A few years later and the "smart phones" were all the rage. By now the known problems of the iPhone were peeing people off. It was expensive and didn't live up to its expected reputation of "being the greatest." Consumers wanted something similar without all the "drama". The "Samsung Galaxy" type phone, was equally as good and probably the iPhone's most rival competitor. Yet the iPhone is still the "it phone" and consumers still want it for the "prestige."

However, with just about everyone owning a iPhone or equivalent, there were some people who were concerned about its affect on consumers and their real world social skills. Hans Geser believes there are four different ways that the mobile phone seems to undermine societal development. Even labelling the mobile phone as an "adult pacifier."

1) They can be used to shield oneself by escaping to familiar, self controlled social relationships. It can cushion us from traumatic events. Such as calling your Hubby because you think you left your hairstraightner on and the house might burn down? (Yes, that could be a traumatic event. If the house burns down at least you will have silky straight hair? Hmmm)

Individuals may unlearn the ability to rely on their own judgement. - An iPhone owner is out shopping and is not sure whether this outfit makes her bum look big? She better send a picture message to her friend about whether or not she should buy this outfit? Seriously?

Geser was correct in calling the mobile phone the "adult pacifier." Just look at the above photo, the Hilton Sisters: Texting at some fashion event, probably to their assistants to go out and get those clothes right now! Hey ladies, some people would kill for those front row seats!

2) Time based scheduling is reduced. We no longer need to make concrete plans. We can simply call or text if we are running late or can't make an appointment. Even when you are out supposedly catching up with friends, they are still playing with their phones. They barely know what you are saying or what is going on in the surrounding atmosphere. a.k.a "The real world." Can't you just ignore your mobile phone for a couple of hours? Surely it won't kill you!

3) Institutions no longer have control over customer or employee. We can text, make phone calls from our mobiles. Employers can't monitor mobile phone communication because it is private. Depending on "The office" environment you work in! Some don't even allow you to access your mobile during your shift because of security reasons. (More like distracting you from your work.)

Yes it's an umbilical cord phone charger!
4) Finally the fourth step; where mothers use mobile phones as an "umbilical cord" to their children with constant monitoring and contact. Why do children need mobile phones? It's completely ridiculous. They go to school, they come home, they have certain activities after school and their parents should know where they are at all times. Why do they need a mobile again?

This below clip (may offend some people with certain expletives) perfectly sums up the "obsession" with wanting the iPhone. It can do everything and maybe in a couple of years it will be able to drive your car for you! It already seems to be the dominant screen of the 21st century why wouldn't you want one? There are plenty of other phones on the market. But everyone still wants the iPhone regardless of its limitations and they want it NOW!

Geser, H, "Is the cell phone undermining the social order? Understanding mobile technology from a sociological perspective"

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Politicians "Moving Forward" on Social Media - Another Political Joke!

I don’t know why politicians would honestly think, that spinning their campaign promises on social media sites will be beneficial? I don't know about you, but I don't go on to sites such as YouTube and facebook to read up on politicians, let alone view campaign videos! Take my last blog entry on Produsage; anything serious these politicians send out, someone will change, and mostly for entertainment purposes. Not only do they think that recording a "campaign video” and putting it on YouTube will somehow help them, they’re delusional and egotistical enough to believe it will actually work.

Tony Abbott: Trying to find Harold Holt and running from the political sharks....wait?
Please Tony Abbott, put some clothes on! No-one wants to see a 50-something year old man donning “budgie smugglers” doing “pier to pub” swims and emerging from the beach like a try-hard Daniel Craig! (Someone get me a vomit bag… stat!) Attempting to prove how "fit" you are to the Australian public, will not win you an election. People will vote for the opposing parties just to get this image out of their brains! ( How do I poke out my mind's eye?)

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's attempt at a "campaign video"  I much prefer this one:

It's whole 21 seconds is much more entertaining than the minutes he wasted with political propaganda.

I cringe every time there is a state or federal election. It's just millions of tax-payers dollars being wasted on political propaganda. I especially despise how they speed up the "spoken by" part at the end of ads on Television, Radio and on social media sites. It's a real slap in the face: "We have millions at our disposal, but in the last few seconds, speed it up to save $100 bucks!"

Thanks to the new era of social media, they are now taking over the Internet and posting even more political spin on the likes of facebook, Twitter and YouTube. That's why this clip from "The Chasers," is a good example of the crap we have to endure:

Speaking of crap to endure; I went to the YouTube site and typed in "Julia Gillard campaign" and found the below video. It only has 2000 odd views and was uploaded around August 2010 just in time for the Election.


With or without the help of the above "campaign video," Prime Minister Julia Gillard did indeed smash the glass ceiling of Australian politics. (Hell of a repair job for O'Brien Glass!) Yes she had to work her way through to the top and usurp K-Rudd, but she did eventually become Australia's first elected female Prime Minister.(With the help of a few independents!) Ms Gillard just wants Australia to move forward into the future and not be left behind. She is so determined to move forward that "The Chasers" have decided to advocate on her behalf:

Ms Gillard does indeed use social media to keep the public "informed." She tweets her political whereabouts and I highly recommend it as a cure for insomnia! I did manage to find this facebook video (her campaign video) of the PM explaining how she intends to "Move Australia Forward," but it's really just another piece of political propaganda spread though social media.

"Kevin, LOOK AT MOI...LOOK AT MOI...I've got one word to say to you, PRIMEMINISTER!"  "That's two words Julia, unlike backstabber."
Yes, social media can be used as a tool for the "Pollies" to "move forward," although with regards to Kevin Rudd being demoted to Foreign Minister, I think this Willy Wonka quote applies to him: "Oh, you can't get out backwards. You've got to go forwards to go back, better press on!" Haha. Poor K-Rudd! Of course keeping up with the "moving forward theme," Kevin Rudd, has his own Twitter account. Just like he used during "Twitter time" on his series Kevin Rudd, P.M: HA HAHA HA HAAA!

Since Kev was so graciously stabbed in the back by one of his own, this "Political Election Trailer" for the August 2010 Election, really sums up the riff raff of Politics. Is social media doing more harm than good for their own political agendas?

Of course the use of social media is also alive within U.S Politics. When Donald Trump decided to become a candidate for President, he thought he'd stir the pot and announce he believed Obama wasn't born in the USA and needed to prove so. What did Obama do? He released his birth certificate which showed he was indeed born in the U.S.A.(As Bruce Springsteen so eloquently boasts about in his song.)

This is Trump's "victory speech" about the release of the birth certificate. Now he needs to confirm if it's real. I bet it's as real as Trump's hair! (Talk about back peddling!)

I found this below YouTube clip that shows Obama really putting Mr Trump in his place. I must say I have a new found respect for Obama after watching it. If that doesn't win him a re-election, I don't know what will?

Maybe this: Before U.S. President Obama's "people" could upload more videos to YouTube, social media was abuzz with Twitter and Facebook confirming news of Osama Bin Laden's death. The U.S. Government  released this photo taken in the White House's Situation Room, in which we can see President Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's reaction during the mission of the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

For all we know, they could  have just witnessed who just got voted out in American Idol.

This is what the sceptics believe: If Bin Laden is dead why won't The U.S Government release a death photo? He was "buried at sea" within 24 hours of his death with respect to Islamic Law. And it just happens to fit in nicely for Obama as a possible re-election tool! Convenient much? Maybe we should ask Donald Trump!

Because of the controversy surrounding the death photo, The U.S Government decided to release footage of "what they believe to be Osama". Apparently he is watching a T.V flicking through the channels and stopping on footage of himself and some of President Obama. I really hope he is dead. If he's not, I would hate to see this blow up in their faces! (Pardon the pun!)

Thanks to YouTube, you too can laugh at politicians! We can now take the piss out of them and show them for the political jokes they really are! Without a doubt, YouTube has made Former U.S President George W Bush the biggest political joke of all time.

Politicians; if you think tweeting, facebooking or YouTubing your latest fitness or campaign stunts will win you an election maybe it will.... if you're Obama! But if you're serious about your Country's future and your own fitness, I think you should all take up push bike riding. Not only will you keep fit, but if you get yourself into a sticky situation, you can always "back peddle"....and then move forward!


Thursday 21 April 2011

Produsage: Is it the Killer of Original Content?

Thank you Axel Bruns, for making up a word that defines creativity for the amateur, so to speak. "Produsers" are participants in the creation of shared content, who have broken down the boundaries between producers and consumers. They are involved in the collaborative and continuous building of existing content for further improvement. (If you didn't understand that, to put it into layman's terms: You take an original piece of content, in this case a video, manipulate it by voice dubbing, mash up, photoshop it, basically doing whatever you want to it, to make it different) 

The best example I could find of produsage in a media sense, was a YouTube video of Charlie Sheen. To show how the original compares with the produsage version, below is the original media interview with a reporter:

Now here is the produsage version. It has been completely changed from an interview, and prodused into a song:

YouTube and other video sharing sites, allow the consumer to become the producer. But in this case we have to use the word "Produser" because you didn't create the original content. (Confused? Meh. You'll get there!)

Produsers have created a different and sometimes better version of the original. Possibly the most annoying video to date on YouTube is Rebecca Black's "Friday". It has had over one hundred and eleven million views! (Excuse me while I throw up a little). Initially consumers thought it was a joke, ( I still think it is!) hence the high number of views. Here is an example of a produsage video of the said "Friday":

It has had over four million views and really cements the cheesiness of the original! (It's so much better, even though I despise Death Metal! So that says a lot!)

The problem with produsage and it's definition, is the confusion of the ethics and what constitutes copyright. A video is technically not in breach of copyright if it is created for Fair Use. As long as the use is fair, someone can reference someone else's work for parody, education etc. However, if the original owner believes that it is "copyrighted" then the video is removed from YouTube because of its strict policies. My question then is: If you're an Amateur, how can you be in breach of copyright if you are not profiting from your "produsage"? 

But what if you're a celebrity doing a parody? Well then THAT'S OK! Right? It's considered Fair Use!

If popular videos are taken down, fans will then post copies of the videos onto other sites such as funny or die. Ironically two of the videos I have posted, were originally on YouTube but have since been removed.

The below video is a literal version of Vanilla Ice's, Ice Ice Baby. I think it's better than the original song itself! Obviously Vanilla Ice thought so too and packed in his wapper (white rapper) "career" to become a Landscape Gardener! Say WHAAAAAAT? That's right!

Axel Bruns has four key principles of Produsage. I've used Wikipedia as an example of how it fits into them:

1.Open Participation/Communal Evaluation: 
The constant updating of information that anyone can edit. This is Charlie Sheen's Wikipedia page. This is a prime example of the evaluation part. It has been flagged for Recentism,which means that the topic has received recent public attention. (Hmmm you don't say?) It is Wikipedia's immediate editorial process. 

2.Fluid Heterarchy/ Ad Hoc Meritocracy: 
As anyone can edit the information available on the Website, it is not controlled by a moderator. There is no Hierarchy of control.

3.Unfinished artefacts/Continuing Process: 
The website is always accessible, with new pages being added. It is always updating, never completed. 

4.Common Property/Individual Rewards: 
Content is made available to current and future participants. This is covered under Licenses to ensure content is freely distributed and reproduced. 

(Of course, with anybody being able to edit any topic, you can't rely on the authenticity or accuracy of the information! If you do you're a WikiIdiot!)

To finish off this blog entry, I will end with what I believe is the funniest literal music video: Total eclipse of the heart, by Bonnie Tyler. For those of you who are concerned that Produsage is killing original content, I'll put this to you; isn't Produsage the greatest form of "original" content?

Thursday 14 April 2011

Move over "Citizen Kane," make way for "Citizen Journalists!"

Hardly seems fair to compare the "Greatest movie of all time" with a bunch of wannabe journalists? How can a movie hold the title of "Greatest of all time" when it was made in 1941? It's quite an assumption to make considering the future advancement in cinematography. 

Yet some citizen journalists are trying to be the Citizen Kane's of Journalism. Yes they don't have the restrictions of accredited journalists, but does that give them the right to be known as a form of journalist? (In this sense I am a citizen journalist. I don't mind that title, considering the alternative is unemployed undergraduate university student!)

Posting your opinions on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs hardly seems worthy of professional accreditation. Maybe these people are not after that title, and are quite happy to simply have their voices heard. After all, everyone is entitled to free speech.

So when does free speech become illegal? Especially when the Law cannot keep up with the ever changing Internet. Authorities try and target people as scape goats, and attempt to file law suits that might fit in with their agendas. 

Julian Assange: Is he the ultimate hero of the truth?

He is the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks. (I must warn you that the actual site is quite evasive, and changes constantly. So if the link doesn't work perhaps try this? Bahahaha! It must have moved!)

Julian is the ultimate Scape Goat! Governments around the world Public enemy number one! Are Julian and his team of "truth tellers"  the "truth heroes" of the modern era? Possibly so. Thank you Bill Gates, for "inventing the Internet." Look how far we have progressed! Julian has started a revolution.

To be honest, when I first heard of WikiLeaks I naturally thought it was a knock off of Wikipedia. I had absolutely no idea what it was, until Julian Assange was arrested and it made world wide news. 

The best way to describe WikiLeaks is: it's a non-profit media organisation that publishes material of ethical, political and historical significance, to the public from various anonymous sources. WikiLeaks is the forefront for Anti-Censorship. There is no doubt that WikiLeaks is changing the face of communication. Whether Governments or Traditional Media outlets like it or not, it is the newest form of Investigative Journalism. Minus the control of the Media Corporations:

Posting items online through media-related websites is technically publishing. Which means that WikiLeaks has the same rights as traditional publishers including, free speech, freedom of the press and the right to keep sources confidential. (Governments can stick that in their portfolios and file it!)

When WikiLeaks realeased Secret U.S Embassy Cables it was unprecedented and members of the public now had access to material that showed the true Agenda of the United States. Julian was labelled "Anti-American" a "Terrorist" a "Threat to National Security" and "Putting lives in Danger." The person who was blamed for the leak was Bradley Manning and he was jailed. Basically because he bragged to a third party. Idiot! (The Truth shall set you free? I guess not in this case!) 

Julian Assange has the ultimate control in what gets released and when it does. He has been criticised for withholding the remainder of the 251,287 cables releasing them in stages over a couple of months. Why not release them all in the one go? He simply states it wouldn't do them justice. Whatever that means! He is all for bringing out the truth, yet only when it suits him. Well if you had possession of "Pandora's box" would you want to release its contents all at once? 

Of course with such world wide attention the next logical step would be a Movie. Apparently Dreamworks has optioned movie rights to a pair of WikiLeaks books. This comes after the success of the 2010 film "The Social Network" which made $221 million at the Box Office Worldwide. (Can you smell money too?) Although there is no Director, Producer, or Actors to make this movie so far, it will not be made for a couple of years if at all! (Sounds promising!) If the Movie is eventually made and it doesn't get Oscar nominations, let's hope WikiLeaks doesn't release the Oscar Winners before the ceremony.


If there is one "Citizen Journalist" that deserves "Citizen Kane" status, it is of course Julian Assange. I wonder if he will utter a last word like Charles Kane, and who will be the first to "WikiLeak" its true meaning?


Thursday 7 April 2011

-eExtremists- "Please explain, why can’t my blood be coloured white, I should talk to some medical doctors, coloured blood is just not right!"

I will begin this blog entry with a clip from Seinfeld:

Kramer had a point. It starts with a few jokes, slurs, then has the potential to escalate into Discrimination, Racism and Extremism. This clip is a tongue in cheek view of these issues, that are still being challenged by people today.
Matt Le Blanc, Aisha Tyler and David Schwimmer from "Friends"

At a L.A Comedy club back in 2006, Michael Richards who played Cosmo Kramer, verbally attacked an African American audience member, who was heckling him. Kramer's Racist Tirade was caught on film and sparked a media frenzy. (Probably much to the delight of Extremists.) You can view Kramer's Apology where he seemed sorry and says he's not a racist. (You be the judge!) 

Television Shows such as Seinfeld and Friends, main characters were "white." It wasn't until Season nine 2003, of Friends ( the second last season) that Aisha Tyler became just the second African American to have a regular guest starring role. Why did it take nine years for that to happen? Are the Television Networks scared that multiculturalism on Television shows, will encourage racism and the formation of Extremist Groups?

I own a toothbrush, toothpaste and clean my teeth more than twice a day! That doesn't make me an Anti-Dentite! I just don't want to have decaying teeth or develop a gum disease! But according to The Simpsons, apparently the British are Anti-Dentite Extremists! (Well maybe not! Ha Ha.)  It's true that Extremism comes in many forms, as do stereotypes of races/cultures. Now
thanks to the Internet, these E-Extremists can recruit new members online from all over the world. Simply by clicking on a link which will direct them to a site such as Hammerskin Nation. That's why it's so easy to spread Propaganda.

According to The Landover Baptist Church, Harry Potter is the Devil! They have even come up with 12 Reasons Harry Potter should be banned. The Extremist group, graciously placed Bible references supporting their claims and state "True Christians only touch a Harry Potter book when they are throwing it onto a fire" (As I am reading their website I am trying not to cry with laughter!) Their 12th reason is simply "God has a better way" and thrown in some YouTube videos. (What no Bible references?) They even posted this link:Satanic Harry Potter books burnt. (which made me laugh even more!) Especially when the leader of the Anti-Harry Potter sermon said "he had never read any of the four Harry Potter Books, but had researched their contents" I guess he only judges books by their EXTREME COVERS! 

"I am your leader. I move forward and slightly to the right."
It's the 21st Century! And there are still extremist groups out there! What's worse is they are now all over the Internet spreading their propaganda and infecting impressionable young people. I recenly viewed the Aryan-nations website and came across this article Australia Says No. The person who posted the article, has clearly taken it out of context and turned it into another excuse to "justify" white supremacy

As an example of the above mentioned propaganda, The photo of Julia Gillard is not her giving the "Hitler Salute." (Although it may look that way) You can view the photo's original form.

I'm sure there are Extremist groups out there who wish that Rosa Parks had just given up her seat on the bus! If she had, when would the modern day civil rights movement have started? Would it have started at all? I hate to think how much power the Extremist groups would have had today!

The most terrifying thought about E-Extremism, is it can lead young children to Terrorist websites and groups. They are being taught that it is ok to die for your extreme beliefs in terrorist training camps, and their sacrifices will be rewarded by a higher power. The Chaser's War on Everything (An Australian Comedy Series) frequently mock social and political issues. I chose the following clip because it demonstrates the frustration of how common suicide car bombings have become. They created this funny fictitious advertisement:

Thankfully there are also websites such as The Inteligence Project, that monitor extremist groups. This one monitors groups in the United States. If you look at the page Spl Center it explains that Extremists come in many different forms. It shows three featured profiles of the most dangerous Extremist groups in the U.S. If you navigate around this website, you will find a hate map. If you click on any state, below it lists the type of Extremist Groups that can be found. (At least we know where they are, and where to avoid them!)

Australia's One Nation Party and it's Leader Pauline Hanson,brought racism and extremist views back into Australia's Spotlight when she gave her maiden speech in Parliament. She was asked if she was Xenophobic in this 60 Minutes interview and gave the response, "Please explain." This phrase was mimicked for quite some time. You can view her Press Releases during her time as an Independent MP of the One Nation Party. Do you think she was an Extremist Leader?

I will always remember this song when I think of Pauline Hanson:

Attention Extremists! Your blood cannot be coloured white! If you have too many white blood cells, that could be an indication of Leukaemia! If you don't believe me, you should talk to some Medical Doctors.

References: (I had trouble changing this site to "The colour purple!"),,20471622_444594,00.html