Don't worry Veruca Sweetheart, if you had a iPhone you could download an app for everything you want! Well it just about seems that way! It's hard to believe that a device that can fit into your pocket is capable of: Surfing the web, taking photographs, recording and playing videos, printing to your printer, sending emails, online banking, a GPS, playing games, identifying a song playing on the radio, oh and you can even order a pizza! Gone are the days when you had a mobile just so you could call or text someone. (Now you can find the nearest PayPhone to do that if your mobile battery has died from playing too much angry birds)
The "smart phone" of the 1990's |
"99 I can't heel anything. Haha" "Oh Max... Are you speaking from your sole?" |
Fast forward to 2007 and the most talked about phone of the modern era had just arrived on the market -the iPhone! People were waiting in line for hours on end to be the first to get their hands on this most talked about mobile phone device. I almost got caught up in the hype but I didn't really see the need for it. I had a laptop so what was the urgency of needing to access the Internet on your mobile? I just didn't get it!
A few years later and the "smart phones" were all the rage. By now the known problems of the iPhone were peeing people off. It was expensive and didn't live up to its expected reputation of "being the greatest." Consumers wanted something similar without all the "drama". The "Samsung Galaxy" type phone, was equally as good and probably the iPhone's most rival competitor. Yet the iPhone is still the "it phone" and consumers still want it for the "prestige."
However, with just about everyone owning a iPhone or equivalent, there were some people who were concerned about its affect on consumers and their real world social skills. Hans Geser believes there are four different ways that the mobile phone seems to undermine societal development. Even labelling the mobile phone as an "adult pacifier."
Individuals may unlearn the ability to rely on their own judgement. - An iPhone owner is out shopping and is not sure whether this outfit makes her bum look big? She better send a picture message to her friend about whether or not she should buy this outfit? Seriously?
Geser was correct in calling the mobile phone the "adult pacifier." Just look at the above photo, the Hilton Sisters: Texting at some fashion event, probably to their assistants to go out and get those clothes right now! Hey ladies, some people would kill for those front row seats!
2) Time based scheduling is reduced. We no longer need to make concrete plans. We can simply call or text if we are running late or can't make an appointment. Even when you are out supposedly catching up with friends, they are still playing with their phones. They barely know what you are saying or what is going on in the surrounding atmosphere. a.k.a "The real world." Can't you just ignore your mobile phone for a couple of hours? Surely it won't kill you!
3) Institutions no longer have control over customer or employee. We can text, make phone calls from our mobiles. Employers can't monitor mobile phone communication because it is private. Depending on "The office" environment you work in! Some don't even allow you to access your mobile during your shift because of security reasons. (More like distracting you from your work.)
Yes it's an umbilical cord phone charger! |
This below clip (may offend some people with certain expletives) perfectly sums up the "obsession" with wanting the iPhone. It can do everything and maybe in a couple of years it will be able to drive your car for you! It already seems to be the dominant screen of the 21st century why wouldn't you want one? There are plenty of other phones on the market. But everyone still wants the iPhone regardless of its limitations and they want it NOW!
Geser, H, "Is the cell phone undermining the social order? Understanding mobile technology from a sociological perspective"
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